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July 22, 2024

Not Quite Suicidal

By Brian Rihlmann

Not Quite Suicidal

he stops and starts
goes back and forth
as I slow and weave
and somehow manage
to straddle him with my wheels
and leave his little grey body
alive on the asphalt

in the rearview
I see him turn
and look my way ...
stunned, I imagine

maybe he wasn't quite
suicidal ...
maybe we're not either ...
not really --

maybe sometimes
we're just not sure which way to turn
as the cruel machine
bears down

Article © Brian Rihlmann. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-01-11
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
08:11:47 PM
I like the arc of this poem/story from the everyday mundane to the implication for the squirrel and then its powerful projection to us and our time.
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