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July 22, 2024

Locked Existence

By Aneek Chatterjee

Locked Existence

You think of the future, and the shadow
becomes lengthier enough to devour
the exciting and magnificent today.

Tiny pebbles are structured by the sea
for the great edifice; a boisterous
wave comes dancing to play with it.

Pebbles consume time, from dawn
to afternoon, but the evening descends
suddenly, like the wave; and silhouette

we become from our beaming selves
in sunlight, in joy and ecstasy,
in sands, brown and white.

You paint the door of the locker
silvery bright, for a dazzle in dark, but light
escapes unnoticed for locked existence.

Article © Aneek Chatterjee. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-03-15
Image(s) are public domain.
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