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July 22, 2024


By Gopal Lahiri


There is colour in all of us.

Now the sun begins to move and
the sky turns from mauve to pale purple,
tentative, transient, even unreal,

Trees are already on their knees to greet the breeze,
embrace and seal the evening with a smile,
the rainbow can memorise these beautiful moments,

The boats acquire a thin yet sharp and curved line,
plodding up and down in low currents and
finally dissolve in downstream,

Everything changes rapidly,
from these shades of grey and grey, in the end
the darkness paints us all,

Unknown birds fly in a zone of sodium vapour,
bats begin to scan and scuffle around,
eyes shut tight,

The time lives through, glides merrily to pass the night.

There is river in all of us.

Article © Gopal Lahiri. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-04-12
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
Sangeeta Sharma
04:11:13 PM
Beautiful idea, imagery and symbols!
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