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July 22, 2024

When Two Beer Mugs Clicked

By Paramita Mukherjee Mullick

When Two Beer Mugs Clicked

The mother-daughter duo soaking the night together.
Having chilled beer, on the top of the mugs, the foam lather.
Sitting silently with happy hearts face to face.
No competition between them, no race.
Only love and admiration for each other.
The mother proud of her and she following her mother.
The night, the skyscrapers and the dark sky.
The electric pole and the cranes with the high rises vie.

The mother-daughter duo sitting in the balcony.
Together clicking the beer mugs, their minds in complete harmony.
Enjoying the beautiful night, the nocturnal beauty.
Peace and calm everywhere after the whole day's duty.
Taking photographs in their mobile cameras,
To treasure the inky sky and the stars.
They sat together for a long time in the lovely weather.
To make memories of wonderful moments together.

Article © Paramita Mukherjee Mullick. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-01-11
Image(s) are public domain.
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