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July 22, 2024

Heavenly Mercies

By Isioma Jemimah Okonicha

Heavenly mercies

It falls out as you go
Crawling to a place of majestic disguise
but gruesome

Forgetting your root
Trouble sets in

A taste for vanity you've secured
Reassuring and resounding you are deceived

Your great wits and power taken
And the stranger you choose bestowed

Thinking Angels will guide you, you ignore
Now fears and sorrow your companions

They will have you in their bowls and
also as meat
Harris and Brees will become your status

Having a taste of unlawful wit is not the issue
But forgetting your root makes for one

We all have a case before a judge
But we handle with care

How much do you owe?
Embark on a good journey instead

Clear all doubts and follow your instinct
The better you know the clearer the road leads

Now I bid goodbye
Till we meet again in a better demeanor

A truthful love it is
A good walk you need

See your present as Yorked
And then you will unyork

Preferring to dwell in beautiful and desirable heavens
Never take for granted warnings that you receive

The narrow side will only lead you down to darkness path
Heaven's mercies is all you need.

Article © Isioma Jemimah Okonicha. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-03-08
Image(s) are public domain.
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