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July 22, 2024

Lilac 2.0

By Charles Cicirella

Lilac 2.0

The cauldron of your voice is beginning to boil.
You're hot to the touch and it's making me uneasy.
I'll never forget that night at the Barking Spider and how when I turned and peered into your woodshed eyes my entire universe opened like an accordion on Naropa.

Something there is about you that makes me want to turn off the lights and relinquish control.
I need to lie down because I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach and I'm hoping taking my allergy medicine will make me again feel somewhat whole.
The chocolate cake was too sweet and the milk I chased it down with didn't quite do the trick.

I would love to hang out together at the Gateway to Death Valley as we looked for signs and then quickly realized signposts are everywhere.
I believe it was you, Lilac, that first introduced me to the idea of being an old soul.
I don't know how else to express my gratitude, but to send you 5 pounds of stuffed cabbage and hope that gives you some idea of how much you truly mean to me.

Article © Charles Cicirella. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-03-22
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
1 Reader Comments
02:26:54 PM
Beautiful image.
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