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July 22, 2024

there are too many decisions

By Robin Wyatt Dunn

there are too many decisions

there are too many decisions
about which kind of nervousness to invite
which demon will be your companion this morning?
the trembling hand
the drug

which parts of reality do not cross the blood brain barrier?

blood, brains and barriers are drugs too . . .

the armaments of your body are being requisitioned:

lieutenant your hands
your mouth

captain your feet

sergeant your eyes

the naked spell of the morning in silence
hovering over the memories of dreams
(and neighbors' dreams)

determine the armature of the loading process:

PFC Wintergreen is a kind of virus
swarming over your body

What am I signing now Radar?

This, my king, is your death warrant

Article © Robin Wyatt Dunn. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-05-03
Image(s) are public domain.
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