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October 21, 2024

An Abstract Era

By Sushant Kumar B.K.

An Abstract Era

This two years old
Contagious, Deadly, and Invisible,
Death-driving Demon, Coronavirus,
As it is converting the globe
Into the worst nightmare,
Through travel,
And stronger and stronger
As it evolves.

En route as virus fully moves by
Hundred, thousand.......countless
Graves are dug
As deaths seem innumerable like leaves
Fallen on the ground by the autumnal wind.

The shock,
The compassion,
And the pain is incomprehensible,
Neither the gravedigger comes,
Nor can the procession be attended
With the mourners enough,
Imagining their deathbed the mourners are terrified
To give the last farewell.
And for the precautions
The government has suggested extremely,
Whereas same government and major political parties
Are seen to conduct programs frequently.

Just wait, just wait, and don't give up,
Don't go gentlemen into this night,
The doctors are pacifying again and again,
And the patients are dying waiting and waiting
Like "Valudimir and Estrenza"
Oxygen to gain.
While on the outside, a faint voice is heard,
The development is certain the leaders are busy.

Call it a pandemic for its unstoppable death rate
Or "An Abstract Era"
People are confined in a room and house,
Jobless and indebted as they face,
The toppled down economy strikes them first and the hardest,
And waged people hardly get a bite for the day,
While estimated budget for corona
Goes to some people's pockets

Note: Valudimir and Estrenza, are two characters in
the play "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett.
Valudimir and Estrenza keep on waiting Godot,
who never arrives.

Article © Sushant Kumar B.K.. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-07-19
Image(s) are public domain.
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