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July 22, 2024

Black Bear of Taipei

By Todd Sullivan

Black Bear of Taipei

Up in the mountains, he had a desire to inspire
Wandered into Taipei, new suit and declawed
Young kids he would teach, hoped his skills would be admired

First job that he worked, in six months he retired
Office politics of slithering snakes, had him dancing on his paws
Up in the mountains, he had a desire to inspire

New job -- in two months, the contract was set to expire
Long days full of play, fun times with students he recalled
Shorts and t-shirts his attire, skills very much admired

Following songs across the street, a new school, he inquired
Grouchy boss with four hands, all he saw were the flaws
Up in the mountains, he had a desire to inspire

On the verge of giving up, he stepped into a quick hire
To a queen who only schemed to turn him into a thrall
Young kids he wanted to teach but the city was a quagmire

Had enough of New Taipei and all that transpired
With a roar, sharp claws bright, he decided to withdraw
From the city without his suit and he felt so much lighter
Safe in the mountains once again, a lost desire to inspire

Article © Todd Sullivan. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-07-26
Image(s) are public domain.
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