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July 22, 2024

Does Her Far Beauty Know

By Strider Marcus Jones

Does Her Far Beauty Know

does her
far beauty know
where my thoughts go
without her
when i walk
in lush rain lashing down --

squatting in enclosed fields
of remote wheat and barley
around told feudal cities and towns --
to talk
to fate and how it feels
to be emptied entirely
of hopes sounds --

these evolutions
fill rich men's purses
and revolutions
are poor universes
that try to bend
the unequal
to be equal
without end.

does her
far beauty know
where my thoughts go
with her
when i walk
in lush rain lashing down --

soaked in moments come to this
paradise and precipice
blowing into us --

gives shelter to the self
of us and other else --
unlike bare rooms we rent
to leave behind
when change moves us to fit
into it --
with only our echo and scent
of passion and mind.

Article © Strider Marcus Jones. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-09-06
Image(s) are public domain.
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