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July 22, 2024

Uplift of the Land

By Ursula McCabe

Uplift of the Land

I had heard of the place so many times,
and was quite sure it wouldn't measure up.
But, when you stand feet spaced just right
on the bowl lid of Bryce Canyon --
your heart will bounce to throat
and then settle in for a show
of rosy illumination.

Bryce's sunsets are rides with wildfire colors --
red orange morphs into vermilion,
light then slides over the rock spires
turning them ballet shoe pink.

Sunrise offers shadows of royal purple,
soon all is dusted with rust.
A few lonely pines
hang onto rim's edges,
guardians of the morning.

My own flesh and blood sediment
erodes daily, but is now held captive by
the quiet boldness of Bryce canyon.

Article © Ursula McCabe. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-12-06
Image(s) © Ursula McCabe. All rights reserved.
1 Reader Comments
09:51:50 AM
Thanks for bringing a place to life with words.
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