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July 22, 2024

Waiting for fireflies

By Lydia Manx

So much flows over the earth
Signs of death
Joys of rebirth
The moon shines full
down on us all
At dusk I wait
for fireflies

Specks of life caress the night
Disneyland of nature
Hopeful little light
Immortal for a moment
Brief glimpses afforded
At dusk I wait
for fireflies

My humanness insignificant now I see
While I perch
Lost within me
Traces of past nature
Battle my soul unfree
At dusk I wait
for fireflies

Tears clench so deep painfully inside
Run down my face
As I decide
How to live life
Come please gentle spring
At dusk I wait

12 April 1998

Article © Lydia Manx. All rights reserved.
Published on 2004-08-28
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