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July 22, 2024

Brand New Tricks

By John Tustin

Brand New Tricks

I'm a feather in a broken wing
I'm the fray in a piece of string
I'm the bug beneath the skin
I do without and die within

I'm the con that never lies
I'm the clown that ever cries
I'm a flea in a dead dog's ear
I'm the tears in a lukewarm beer

I'm the moth that meets the light
I'm the dirt that blinds your sight
I'm the blood stain on your rug
The side effect of your best drug

I'm the bone that never mends
I'm the kid who has no friends
The pianist who knows one song
And plays it all day, all night long

I'm the boy who lost his mother
Threw a stone and killed his brother
I'm the boy who lost his chance
You can ask; I will not dance

"Every dog has his day"
But for me it's not that way
Spent a lifetime chasing sticks
Spent a lifetime taking licks
Spent a lifetime scratching ticks
Too old to learn brand new tricks

Article © John Tustin. All rights reserved.
Published on 2021-12-27
Image(s) are public domain.
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