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July 22, 2024

Apocalypse Now

By Frankie Laufer

Apocalypse Now

Just like Apocalypse Now, heavy breath 1,2,3, controlled and focused.
Descending steps sounding loud and crisp, only deep reflection floating on top.
In the mind a painting appears, dark, mysterious.
Black and Tan.
Light too in the center.
Don't disturb this.
A heavy white page is now turning.
A story in its own right with no explanation or talking needed.
A sudden revelation emerges but it's too sudden and too revealing.
Turning another page now.

Article © Frankie Laufer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-03-21
Image(s) are public domain.
2 Reader Comments
Charlie Robert
09:53:24 AM
Nice work again from Frankie Laufer - subtle yet powerful - "a heavy white page is now turning". Indeed no explanations are needed - it is both a feeling and a message.
07:44:13 PM
Laufer paints an intense word treasure for these tense times. Never have black and tan had such color.
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