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July 22, 2024

Dinosaur Souls

By Lydia Manx

What is time but folded reality?
Bent and warped to fit a need
We have dark and light at war
Yet we disdain the knowledge offered

So arrogant are we -- so closed
Not allowing a snippet to push
Any of our beliefs aside
Not for a second faltering in our blindness

Souls meet souls softly -- over time
Puzzle pieces come together perfectly
While chaos and mayhem whirl
Around and around endlessly

Stretch out it seems so far away
Yet is all just a blink of an eye
Look carefully to the universe
Answers are there to see.

March 10th 2002
11:00 am EST

Originally appeared 2004-09-11.

Article © Lydia Manx. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-03-16
1 Reader Comments
01:07:13 PM
few words, possibilities opened...thanks
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