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February 10, 2025


By Bharti Bansal


There is a land where bones of dead shine
As if the galaxies have descended on earth
Holding each others hands
And playing ring-a-roses
In circles they move
Around the bonfire made from the crushed dreams of a jolly life
Adding tears to it
There is a land where all the broken hearts beat in symphony
Hope stand in lines
Outside the gates of this graveyard
As the fall strikes like a thunderbolt
Burning away everything that feels like a dream
I stand on the land
Carrying the memories of my childhood
And tears in my dull eyes
A water bottle that I stole from a shop, around my neck
And a pen my uncle gave me once
I write on the walls which keep closing in
To tell the world that I too was here
That I tried making a change
A meaningful one
A souvenir of dauntless mind
There is a sea where the dead floats
With smile on their faces
Where metaphors dive and come out as poems
I am slowly taking a step towards that sea
You see, the only difference between drowning and not is the choice to keep head above water
I choose to drown
In the water reeking of death
And call it just another struggle of life ...
          ---when body becomes a cave, do you try to tear open your skin to escape?

Article © Bharti Bansal. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-03-14
Image(s) are public domain.
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