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February 10, 2025

How Dinosaurs Flew Away

By Richard LeDue

How Dinosaurs Flew Away

I bought you a pillow for Christmas once
(made with duck feathers), and
they would stick in your neck,
so eventually, we replaced it.

When I started reading about dinosaurs
becoming birds,
I wondered how that plucked duck felt
when they found feathered reptile fossils,
who crashed landed into extinction
or was it evolution?

Then there's our mammalian ancestors,
too busy scurrying from hole to hole
to even notice the sky
at first,
but when they did eventually
look up,
they turned the stars inside out
to make themselves
the centre of the universe,
transformed clouds into heaven,
and promised themselves angel winged ascension
because they had forgotten the safety
they once had on the ground.

Article © Richard LeDue. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-02-28
Image(s) are public domain.
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