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July 22, 2024

Cruel Accidents

By John Maurer

Cruel Accidents

All you need to do to have the upper hand is raise your wrist
Is that too literal? But I thought literal meant figural, literally?
Anything can mean anything is a bad analytical approach
Whose asking? It's me again, throwing flippancy at the grave

Don't take a stone from its home just to indicate where I stopped doing anything useful
That is not a landmark that a respectable man wants seen
So, I carve my name into my desk, so you can honor me here
Where I did, not where I stopped doing

Don't tell me to rest in peace
If you wished me unsettlement in my life
Assume not that my name is yours to speak
If I speak not of yours

Article © John Maurer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-05-02
Image(s) are public domain.
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