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July 22, 2024

Deep in My Couch

By Michael Lee Johnson

Deep in my Couch

Deep in my couch
of magnetic dust,
I am a bearded old man.
I pull out my last bundle
of memories beneath
my pillow for review.
What is left, old man,
cry solo in the dark.
Here is a small treasure chest
of crude diamonds, a glimpse
of white gold, charcoal,
fingers dipped in black tar.
I am a temple of worship with trinket dreams,
a tea kettle whistling ex-lovers boiling inside.
At dawn, shove them under, let me work.
We are all passengers traveling
on that train of the past --
senses, sins, errors, or omissions
deep in that couch.

Article © Michael Lee Johnson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-06-20
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
02:15:07 PM
Perhaps because I myself am a bearded old man, this piece resonates with me. I am particularly fond of the line "I am a temple of worship with trinket dreams, a tea kettle whistling ex-lovers boiling inside." Nice job.
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