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July 22, 2024

Night Life Jungle Beat, Bar Next Door

By Michael Lee Johnson

Nightlife Jungle Beat, Bar Next Door

Like all things life changes, its melodies fragment.
It breaks pieces apart, then they drift, then shatter.
The singers of songs love bars,
naked bodies, consistencies, and inconsistencies
that makes it burn all turn outright at night.
They like to drum repeat rhythms and sounds.
Poets like to retreat to dens
of pleasure just like these.
Sing poets sing off-key
free verse notes down by the bridge,
near the river as far as their voices
will carry them away.
It is the nature of difference,
indifference a vocabulary of us confused,
minds between insanity and genius.
The hermit asks for
a public forum in shyness,
while treading to the bar
next door for a shot of tequila
no money, no life.

Article © Michael Lee Johnson. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-05-23
Image(s) are public domain.
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