Misfits Massacring Memorials
who, in the entire world
except excuses for humans,
would be so blinded by cruel,
diabolic and disrespectful spirits
to the point of destroying and bombing
the guiltless graves of their innocent victims?
an exercise in futility foolishly aimed at absolving
themselves, at erasing the bloody marks of their madness,
of bigotry, a sordid past and a pitiable, pilfered present;
only savages can duck, dodge, dupe, hallucinate in a bid
to dilute, disguise and delete stubborn facts of history,
victims, pray for savages that stoop low, hear their pleas, Lord,
for the brutes are devoid of all sense of humanity and sanity;
of empathy and sympathy, they are filled with pride and power,
power-hungry, they are unrepentant, tempting and pathetic,
see how they wantonly vandalize plaques several whiles
as their ill-advised brazenness and foul provocation
course and chant a bare, brutal antithesis of unity
that speaks an unspeakable, unpardonable vanity!
07:07:19 PM