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July 22, 2024

Soft Silky Breeze

By Ken Allan Dronsfield

Soft Silky Breeze

Light winds move colorful leaves.
Branches sway in a slow harmony
roots spread in an opus of moonlight.
Frosted leaves lie lifeless in heaps;
victims of the autumnal dearth.
We commune with fairies upon a branch;
never argue with them while the moon is high.
Twinkling stars hide in shadowed clouds while
we sing a hymn to the winter queen;
snowflakes kiss my warm cheek.
It's hot and savory, like passion on lovers lane.
Her breath seems real and tastes sweet in darkness.
The rising full moon's bright, like a slice of fresh lemon.
An epiphany creates uneasiness within the heart.
Self-righteous deviants answer only to the bullet.
Peace returns to a cool, bewildered forest in the Ukraine.
I sit quietly, with my rifle, in a soft silky breeze.

Article © Ken Allan Dronsfield. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-09-26
Image(s) are public domain.
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