Spring on the Beach
(A Villanelle Style Poem)

Wild rambling roses of a pinkish bloom
dance to the winds down by the sea.
Roots grasping deep in the tall sand dune.
Pussy Willows growing in a grandiose plume.
Catbirds cry from tall shimmering trees.
Pheasant strut in their feathered costume.
Spring is now here, so we all assume.
A white seagull soars in the blue sky above me.
Sunshine's bright chasing away winter's gloom.
Nocturnal shadows creep into my room.
I fill my cherished cup with a nice green tea.
Colors fill my mind as twilight now looms.
Essence of lilac, such a lovely perfume.
Soon to be May Day and the wonderful jubilee.
Cleaning the kitchen with a sweep of the broom.
Strong winds blow the sand like a simoom.
I sit on the deck with a glass of Chablis,
lost in thought as my old cat grooms.
The last of the sun's rays do heavenly illume.
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