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July 22, 2024


By Ken Allan Dronsfield


Water drips from the high rocks
hushed droplets fall upon the flora
elephant leaves scream in horror.
A red popsicle melts on the path
children run all around the walkway
delicate orchids stare in contempt.
Cell phones are constantly ringing,
people answer and talk about nothing
a pygmy marmoset watches in awe.
A day at the South American park.

(First Published, Poetry Pacific)

Article © Ken Allan Dronsfield. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-08-29
Image(s) are public domain.
3 Reader Comments
Author/Poet Petar
07:56:20 PM
Great poem. Excellent imagery.
Bernadette Cullen
07:56:20 PM

love the images here... and the two last lines, esp. the next to last, fab!!
Beverly S. Switzer
03:12:53 PM
Excellent write.
Excellent title!
How annoyed the wildlife must be with us bipedals.
The simplistic verse,
Has such a deep wealth of meaning. I've learned much from your writings,
Ken Allan Dronsfield.
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