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July 22, 2024

Where you'll find me when my poetry days are done

By Peter A. Witt

Where you'll find me when my poetry days are done

Look into the cotton candy clouds
I'll be drifting east, thinking of you,
feel the water of the yonder creek,
I'll be the cool that brushes your hand.

Breathe the mow of fresh cut grass,
I'll be tickling your nose,
see a child playing in the yard,
I'll be the puppy in her arms.

Watch the sun sink into the western horizon,
I'll be the glow rising against the evening sky,
see the bluebonnets blazing in a spring meadow,
I'll be bees buzzing among the blooms.

Everywhere you'll find me,
as life moves forward
through the eons of time.

Article © Peter A. Witt. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-10-24
Image(s) are public domain.
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