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July 22, 2024


By Lynn White


I am waiting longingly
gazing into the blue bowl,
the font of translucent light.
If only
I had been baptised
with holy water
from that bowl
a shining baptism
fiery sweet
to warm
my stoney disposition,
to fill my grey life
with colour
and melt my heart
with sweet blue light.
If only.
But I know that deep inside
my stone hard heart
still beats beyond
my gaze,
and that it’s
beyond me to go back
and be baptised anew
however long I wait,
however long I stand
and wait,
however longingly I gaze.

First published in Flora Fiction, Spring 2021

Article © Lynn White. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-01-23
Image(s) are public domain.
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