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February 10, 2025

Adventure of the Heart

By Akintoye Akinsola

Adventure of the Heart

A poem about the beauties of nature

It was summertime
The gentle breeze blew on my face waking me
Instantly, my heart leapt for a take
At the glowing and dancing of the trees near me
Adding to my make were the clapping and dances of the maidens
And oh! The longing of my heart
For this new found romance --
My marriage to all these damsels

Adventure then began
Slowly unravelling like an African daisy
Through the ocean, we danced to the rhythm of nature
Feathery glamours of peace sat on our legs
Singing beautiful lullabies
Smiles pasted all over nature’s body
We travelled round the globe and my!
What a marvel!
The thickness of water swallowing its own depths like a gladiator
would slay to defend
Sceneries as beautiful as the rainbows smile happily
And the clouds gathered to watch the newlyweds

As we journeyed into the Forest
I began to fear
But it was quickly dispelled by what my eyes were fed with
Earth’s beauties and sparkles
Unto the leaves, my thanks made its way
Ready for a mail
As I foresee its delivery to my people
Telling them how kind nature treats us
As we follow its trail

To the forest, we hail
Making each moment of our adventure count
As I leaned in for kisses from each of my wives
To seal the good in me, them and nature
On this gorgeous land
It was then I awoke from my slumber
And realized I’d been sleeping all along while standing
More frustrated I became
When I saw the man I owe coming back for his money
But it’s an experience I’m grateful for
Making me appreciate nature
Even though it was in my sleep!!!

Article © Akintoye Akinsola. All rights reserved.
Published on 2022-10-03
Image(s) are public domain.
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