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January 20, 2025

The Tribe of Jesus in the Philippines' Own Hollywood

By April Mae M. Berza

The Tribe of Jesus in the Philippines' Own Hollywood

When Jesus Christ auditioned in the Philippines,
agents and producers ostracized his tryout pieces

instead, they went on to create films, TV shows,
and documentaries with Judas Iscariot and Poncius Pilate

Simon Peter tried to play an eccentric cameo role
yet Mary Magdalene starred in sci-fi and magic realism

Delilah washed dishes in a barangay in Taguig
all the broken plates, glasses, and dreams

Mary of Nazareth composed a plethora of songs
while Ruth and Rachel practiced their instruments

as Paul built a bestselling literary career,
manuscripts of disasters, chaos, and mayhem

Abraham would soon visit Moses' tapings
Noah translated and localized the subtitles

Jacob and Isaac created the film's sound effects
as the superlative cinematography wows the critics

Would there be a chiaroscuro once Deborah
portray her role with lights, shadows, and such?

Who would write a capsule review once it airs in Cebu?
Will it be Doubting Thomas, or will he even try?

Who would direct this grand motion picture?
Is the Philippines the Hollywood of dreams and desires?

Article © April Mae M. Berza. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-03-13
Image(s) are public domain.
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