Days of the Week

monday - blue skies with hint of lemon scones
tuesday - cotton candy clouds dripping pink grapefruit
wednesday - monarch butterflies and mint chocolate chip ice cream
thursday - homemade fuji apple sauce and sultry rainbows
friday - bright belly laughs and chamomile tea
saturday - whispering cowbirds wishing to be great horned owls
sunday - oatmeal pancakes with swirls of salted butter and warm syrup
tuesday - cotton candy clouds dripping pink grapefruit
wednesday - monarch butterflies and mint chocolate chip ice cream
thursday - homemade fuji apple sauce and sultry rainbows
friday - bright belly laughs and chamomile tea
saturday - whispering cowbirds wishing to be great horned owls
sunday - oatmeal pancakes with swirls of salted butter and warm syrup
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