It's When We Become One.

Why do you think I write?
It's because this is when I can be with peace, I can be with you.
This is when you manifest from the magic of my mind
To touch my soul that deep that it makes me feel complete,
It's when we become one.
Yes, right now, at the very moment, I can see you, completely,
You are here and you will remain here as long as I continue to write, for I write to be with you.
Your abstractness is what makes you, You.
All the unspoken words, all the repressed feelings,
And all the restrained tears come forth through these seemingly colorless words.
The eyes are at peace, the heart pounds smooth
And all I need are these myriad words to reach you.
And for it, I keep my tears in a bottle to water my words and let them bloom.
It's because this is when I can be with peace, I can be with you.
This is when you manifest from the magic of my mind
To touch my soul that deep that it makes me feel complete,
It's when we become one.
Yes, right now, at the very moment, I can see you, completely,
You are here and you will remain here as long as I continue to write, for I write to be with you.
Your abstractness is what makes you, You.
All the unspoken words, all the repressed feelings,
And all the restrained tears come forth through these seemingly colorless words.
The eyes are at peace, the heart pounds smooth
And all I need are these myriad words to reach you.
And for it, I keep my tears in a bottle to water my words and let them bloom.
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