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January 13, 2025

Nothing without purpose

By Patricia Saunders

Nothing without purpose

Human laws come and go
guided by a human eye
that cannot see the whole picture
and cannot know what happened
before the birth of time
or what will happen at the end of time
if there is an end to time.

From one perspective, one state
is determined by an earlier state
and the new state determines the next state
until the whole course of events is planned
and sequenced and determined
like the birth of a tree that knows
only one way to grow.

But the growth of a tree is shaped
by the wind and the rain
and the many birds that rest on its branches
and move them this way and that.
And the tree adapts, bending and swaying
with the tapping of the woodpecker
and the murmur of a squirrel that
finds a hole and sleeps.

The same applies to humans.
If the heart is kind and the mind is stout,
and the body is strong enough
to hold a cradle and a blue jay,
then the heart can control its destiny
and not wait for the rain to weigh it down
or the wind to blow it away.
That is why intuition is good science
and logic loses sight of events that are
ruled by deeper laws than human logic.

But it is true that one state determines the next,
that everything can change at any moment,
that freedom and determinism are both correct,
that the path is written but the mind can change —
that omens should never be ignored,
that portents show unseen trends in nature
and that nothing in the universe is without purpose.

Article © Patricia Saunders. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-02-20
Image(s) are public domain.
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