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July 22, 2024

Under the skin

By Mike Zone

Under the skin

(Lady on a Wire#21)

We’ve got gas masked terror in the streets or is just the air isn’t too safe to breathe anymore?
Multicolored lightning illuminating disco inferno
you don’t feel safe anymore
life is worth losing
don’t stray away my hungry ghost to feed upon phantasmagoria immobile feast of fiend guised as friend terror infirma
no apology within spectrum mine fields bursting fractal universal borders
what is existence but an uncertain chaos striving for order
self-important structure
where brutality and savagery is doled out by the master-class mainly through a neglectful bliss as the ones deemed “down below” issue their icons above tender mercies
havens found in pattern recognition diagonal bodies entwined atmospheric rings decimating conceptual hells
discarding scripted golden eternities
under the skin
beneath the scars
rusted razors
volcanic marrow of electromagnetic light
in this dead town of husks shirking off multiversity
we don’t have to incinerate the already damned and dying
‘cause they’re already gone

Article © Mike Zone. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-06-26
Image(s) are public domain.
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