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July 22, 2024

New Dream

By Pranab Ghosh

New Dream

It rained in the island
In the sky

There were two streams of
Cool breeze

And the island was in
Their confluence

We visited the island
This morn, after long
Interval, perhaps spanning
Decades, if not centuries.
You breathed into my body
Life that I left behind
In a place I was born,
Grew up, cremated my granny
And my father and won and lost
Many battles, some real, some imaginary,
Where I saw my dreams
Crash, my hopes dashed.

In the island you made
Me dream again!

{First published in Indian Literature,
a Sahitya Akademi (under the aegis of
Govt. of India) journal}

Article © Pranab Ghosh. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-06-26
Image(s) are public domain.
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