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July 22, 2024

Stay Awhile

By Amrita Valan

Stay Awhile

Stay awhile
Let's exchange lives
Your dreams for mine
Time forgot
To mention
How short yours was
All that blood
that won't be washed
By tears

A single tear
A silent scream
Mouse scampering
In your innocent heart
My baby
To prevent your pain
Your nightmares allay
A mother lives
Head bowed
In unbelievable pain
and shame.

A baby is a sacred vessel
Fruition of hope
Love realized into being

To drag that
To your altar of hate
And anoint as victim
To kill...

Every mother would howl
Then let me execute my dream
Let me abort in the womb
Butcher my flesh
Fly free my child away
Farthest away
From killing fields of

Blessings upon you
I bestow...
Feel an instant's pain...
A spasm
In mother's mourning cradle
Never know Fear
Ever again.

Article © Amrita Valan. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-06-19
Image(s) are public domain.
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