Death of a Friend

Fall of day, you secure flight to the empyrean,
a capsule of my childhood erases. Pliancy of
switch makes me inquire: should I be mournful
or mollified? Some echoes never emerge; they
clog us with queries. On upbeat days cheer you
generate morphs my grim hours, generosity with
which you share links to the grammar of existence.
Amphibolies permeate your passage as you turn
motif urging us in our prouder moments to be happy
for our happiness.
a capsule of my childhood erases. Pliancy of
switch makes me inquire: should I be mournful
or mollified? Some echoes never emerge; they
clog us with queries. On upbeat days cheer you
generate morphs my grim hours, generosity with
which you share links to the grammar of existence.
Amphibolies permeate your passage as you turn
motif urging us in our prouder moments to be happy
for our happiness.
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