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July 22, 2024

Articles by H.L. Dowless



A Day in the Hay Fields (2023-07-03) poem unrhymed

The author is a thirty-five-year veteran writer. He enjoys traveling and living life on the edge.

The Heavenly Oasis (2023-07-31) poem unrhymed

"..Could well lead into an opportunity much bigger..."

My Trail Came to a Sudden Dead End (2023-08-28) poem unrhymed

"...And I intend to live that way Until my day is done..."

A True Life Song (2023-10-02) poem unrhymed

"I’m way out here in a foreign land..."

Oh Things That We've Both Been Through (2023-10-30) poem unrhymed

"...And the places we’ve both traveled to..."

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