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July 22, 2024

My Trail Came to a Sudden Dead End

By H.L. Dowless

My Trail Came to a Sudden Dead End

It's strange how now my trail came to a sudden dead end,
When one day I cast my coat into the wind.
I labored hard from day into day,
The power of sheer boredom eventually held its sway.

I’ve been a rolling stone for the past seven years,
Drifting from town to town living without fears.
Sometimes I thrived inside my raged out car,
Chasing what seemed like a rainbow’s end
Or a falling star.

Honestly though,
I’ve certainly had my fun,
And I intend to live that way
Until my day is done.

I’ve spent virtual weeks at Biltmore’s grand mansion,
While I lived in the extension at Grove Park Inn.
I’ve walked around Lake Lure
On my Sunday evening walking tour,
Wondering at the many mysteries
in all of the New York and California refugees.

I soon gave into the passion of free will,
Moving to Steam Engine lane over in the town of Mooresville.
I was everywhere a festival might be found,
Walking every street throughout that shuttered-up mill town.
But I wasn’t satisfied with life in that place still,
So I boarded a plane and flew away down south to Guyaquil.
I remained there for at least three months,
Climbing mountain trails and doing music video stunts.

I soon dreamed afar and what did I see?
But myself on a ship sailing to Hawaii!
After three weeks I returned and parked in Tampa,
I figured that would be my long-term stopping point.
The problem was this atrocious informational fog,
Since I made it to the place there were no full time jobs.
It seemed I might somehow wind up on the streets,
So I rode away again not wanting to accept defeat.

I have now paused at the end of my long life trail,
Not knowing which way to go,
Running around in circles
With nothing in hand to show.
I don’t really know what I’m gonna do,
All I have are a few clothes and these worn out shoes.
A person’s whole life plan depends upon a sustaining job,
And now I’m running up against a stone wall in this informational fog.

Article © H.L. Dowless. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-08-28
Image(s) are public domain.
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