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July 22, 2024

Welcome to /ignore

By Ed Moyer

Down in the depths of your fiery hole
You pull those around you
Liar, Deceiver, Swindler, Fraudster
Those are your names now

I know that Life isn't Fair
I accepted that long ago
My Love, My Life
I would have given for you
You almost got what you wanted

Why I am being forced
To pay for the sins of others
Beaten down
Worn out

Lies are the nectar
That moves the world
Your lies brought
My world to a halt

Tomorrow is another day
I must sift through the remains
My obligation is to show you
And the children you claimed to love
That honor is not dead

Your deceptions have harmed their last
I am pushing on
Leaving you behind
We learn from our pain
I have learned volumes here

Welcome to /ignore

Originally appeared 2005-05-01

Article © Ed Moyer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-06-29
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
03:11:21 AM
Nicely done.. I connected with it right away...To capture the audience with just a couple of lines into the depth of the pain in which the author is trying to convey is amazingly well done..☆☆☆☆☆
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