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July 22, 2024

Oh, Tom -- With Greatest Apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning

By Sand Pilarski

Sonnets from a Piker Geeze

How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.
I loathe thee for thy unfortunate height;
Behind thy chick thou are near out of sight,
Though that is good, so unseen is thy face.
I have loathed thee well since the early days
Of Top Gun when the industry's sad plight
Was finding good male actors to invite.
Last young man standing, thou became a craze.
I loathe thy characters in all their views
Because they are the same, again, again
And why on earth would a director choose
The dumbest mouth-breather among all men
To spoil a film and Acting's name abuse?
Shall thou retire? I only long for When.

Article © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2005-07-25
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