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February 10, 2025

Letter of Resignation

By Ed Moyer

I hereby tender my resignation to the Piker Press. It has become increasingly rather difficult these most recent months to produce articles. I have apparently offended several people in my writings and that was never my intention. It has brought unwarranted snippets to be posted and I do not feel right in detracting from the efforts of the other writers here at the Press. I have long enjoyed writing and have long enjoyed the support that I have received from my fellow writers as well as the editors.

This will bring to an end the Biker Ed articles. Again, this is something that I have enjoyed doing, a good many of my articles were meant to be tongue in cheek, in an attempt to bring a smile to someone's face that may have happened upon them. The other articles were never meant to harm anyone. They were pulled because someone voiced to me that they had been emotionally harmed because of them. It was further brought to my attention that I was remiss in giving out very important information in regards to those that I hold dearest to me. This again was not my intention, and I apologize to them for any harm, real or perceived.

To those that wish to take away the one thing that has kept me sane through a very difficult and trying time. To those who pretended to care about me in my time of need and yet all they wanted all along was to see me fall, yet again on my face. You have won. It is over. I will cease all current works in progress and go back to the life that you consider to be so pathetic. You have silenced my muse, yet again. I will be forwarding the things that I was working on onto other authors who have expressed an interest in wrapping up those projects. You may see my name appear from time to time as these people give me credit for ideas or work that had been done in the past. Nevertheless, rest assured, that Biker Ed, and anything that Ed Moyer had written or worked on will eventually dwindle and die away.

To those that did encourage me throughout the year. Thank you, thank you for reading my articles and expressing your emotions in a constructive manner.

I had never thought that I could actually write, and some of you made me feel; even for a little while, that I was a writer. I hope that you understand the reasoning behind my departure.

To all concerned, good, bad, and indifferent. I wish you the very best. Thank you Alex and all the other editors for helping me to turn my drivel into something that I was proud to see published. I wish you all the very best and continued success here at the Piker Press.

Yours truly,

Ed Moyer

P.S. To those concerned, if you want me off Google, STOP googling me or Biker Ed. You are the ones that are keeping me there. Create your own fantasy person and google them to replace me.

Article © Ed Moyer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-01-02
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