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July 22, 2024

Tyler III

By Ed Moyer

That day was crisp and clear
The stars were bright and shining
Hopes and dreams abounded
Of your greater tomorrows

This day has become
Grey and Overcast
The chill in the air
Can not match the
Hurt in my soul

This day was meant to be
A celebration of your life
The things to come
Not the things that
Will never be realized

That day I cried tears of
Joy and Happiness
This day's tears are of
Sorrow and Pain
The things remembered
The things never to be achieved

That day I became a father
For the first time
This day I am a father
Of a lost son

You inspired me In ways you shall never truly know
You taught me hope, love, and laughter
I never thought I would see unfold

Taken too soon
Taken too quickly
This day shall
Forever be a grey day
For me

I shall endeavor
To rejoice the life
That you did have, and
Recall sweetly the things
That you taught me
That I still have

Submitted before the author's resignation.

Article © Ed Moyer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-02-06
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