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October 21, 2024

Fifth Anniversary Issue

By Sand Pilarski

In choosing articles to represent the Press this year, I came across Senior Editor Alex Queen's editorial from the Second Anniversary Issue, which tells of the Piker Press' humble beginnings. "The actual readership of the Press remains modest," Alex said in her article (which is included in this issue), "with anywhere from 50 to 500 readers each week, but the benefits and the quality continue to grow."

I'll say. Even after a disastrous two weeks of down time when our former webhost Infinology went belly-up on us, obliterating six months worth of illustrations and photographs, the Press now averages around 5000 hits a day and is viewed in 70 countries around the world. Our archives have nearly 3000 articles stored in them. Kind of meaningless figure, that, until I realized that if I decided to add one graphic to every article, working on one a day, I'd have to spend the next eight years and some -- and that would be provided I stopped with what we have as of TODAY.

All of us hope that you enjoy this collection of past articles from the Press. I've had a grand time re-reading stuff from the archives, but I have to confess that my favorite snippet in this issue is the look in the eyes of little Ashlinne at the bottom of Lichloved 10.

Happy Fifth Anniversary, Piker Press, and many thanks to all the Filthy Pikers that have made it possible!

And thank you, readers, one and all.

Article © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2007-04-16
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