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February 03, 2025

The Superstress Solution : Book Review

By Wendy Robards

The Superstress Solution, by Roberta Lee, MD.

Biologically, the human species hasn't evolved beyond "island time," that is, the slower pace of life on the island. And yet we're expected to increase the pace of our activity by orders of magnitude just to keep up. We can't do it. Not without paying a price. And that's because the hard wiring of our brains and bodies is the same as it was in the days of our ancestors, even while change accelerates all around us. - from The Superstress Solution -

Just consider the advances in the technology we use every day. Between cell phones, handheld computers, and new communication modes like texting and Twittering, we're "on call" and open to intrusion twenty-four hours a day. - from The Superstress Solution -

Dr. Roberta Lee has written a book which seems quite appropriate for today's fast paced world. Due for release in January 2010, the book is a look at how high levels of stress play a role in our lives to the detriment of our health ... and what to do about it.

The Superstress Solution is well organized into three parts. Part 1 is dedicated to identifying stressors and the physical toll it takes. Part of this section is dedicated to helping readers recognize their stress type (there are five), what body system tends to be most affected by their stress, and how individuals have adapted their lifestyle to deal with their stress. Part 2 outlines the tools for change available to highly stressed people, including pathways to peace, eating the right foods, rest, exercise, meditation, connecting with others, and spirituality. Part 3 is Dr. Lee's step by step solution, using what the reader has learned in Parts 1 and 2 to overcome superstress (she breaks her solution into two levels ... one a four week program, and the other a more streamlined approach based on each stress type).

The book is well researched and written in easy to understand language. Dr. Lee covers the physical and emotional toll that stress takes on our bodies and minds with references to specific, recent studies which have been done in the field. Despite the negative impact of stress, she is quick to point out that it is not irreversible -- and all it takes is a positive attitude and willingness to change our lifestyle to put things back on track. I found her sections on meditation, stretching, and exercise to be very informative and easy to understand.

If I had one complaint about Dr. Lee's solution to stress, it would be the sections on diet and herbal supplements. For someone like myself who resides in a very rural area, some of the suggested foods and herbal supplements might be hard to find (there is one health food store in my area which might have some of these things ... and it is located 45 minutes away from my home). I also found my head spinning a little with the amounts of supplements she seemed to be recommending.

Despite this minor complaint, most of what the author recommends seems to be a good, common sense approach to managing one's stress ... and many of her suggestions are ones I intend to integrate into my busy and often stressful life (even some of the simpler diet and supplement recommendations).

I found this book to be an accessible self-help book -- easy to understand, simple steps to implement, well researched, and organized to make it a good reference tome.

For those readers who are finding themselves suffering from stress related maladies, or feeling overwhelmed with life, The Superstress Solution might be helpful.

Four stars out of five.

Catch all of Wendy Robard's reviews in her fabulous blog, "Caribousmom".


Article © Wendy Robards. All rights reserved.
Published on 2009-12-14
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