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February 03, 2025

Remember This, Girls

By Sand Pilarski

Remember This, Girls

In the early days of space travel,
virgin Luna beckoned with white arms,
attracting the long gazes of men.

She called to them from darkened windows,
promising passionate embraces,
allowing them to look upon her.

"Who will come to dance with me?" she sighed.
"Who is the strongest? Who the swiftest?
Woo me, win me, take me in your arms!"

With fevered desire, they reached for her;
Luna, always beyond their fingers,
spurning all their adoring labors.

Her face turned from them, and back again,
counting with greed her many suitors
who spent their gold to win her favors.

"Come to me and worship my beauty!
Feel the richness of my shining skin!
Do not talk to me of counting costs.

"Forget your gold and your families --
I will drink your love and be sated
as you caress my face and take me."

No mortal woman could hold them back
from seeking Luna above all else
her command of their hearts was complete.

On flames of desire her suitors rose
to meet her under a starry sky
to hold her close, to quench love's hunger.

She smiled upon them, but what they found
was a heart of frigid vanity
which nurtured none, nor warmed, nor welcomed.

Her plea was false, she wanted only
to know the success of her deceit,
potential lovers disappointed.

Cold words Luna has abundantly,
whispering behind her shining mask.
She offers nothing but dust and death.

Conquest successful, Man turns his back,
smokes his cigarette in bitterness,
resenting the barren siren's touch.

Yet still she sings, entreating, begging
to be the focus of devotion,
vowing the next meeting will be bliss.

Her song is forgotten, allure fades
One chance she had and threw it away.
Poor Luna is virgin no longer.

Article © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2011-07-04
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