I found this postcard in a gutter on Second Ave., two days after the WTC attack. As you can see, it appears to have been in the water for some time, its ink giving it a parchment effect.
The Postcard image of the Twin Towers had been taken from the other side of the river. It had been printed in black and white, which gives it an eerie look. I turned it over and saw that the tourist had begun to address the card, but then abruptly halted, leaving behind only the postcard's destination and a few letters of the recipient's name.
I wonder if the sender was at the WTC that morning? Or was it only a coincidence to find it in a gutter, miles away from the still-burning site? Another mystery from that still incomprehensible day.
September 11, 2011
**Do you have a photo or piece of art you'd like to see in "Peek of the Week?" If so, send your photo or file (unreduced) to peek@pikerpress.com. Please include what kind of camera was used, and a brief description of the picture, as well as your name and email address. Photographers and artists retain all rights to their work.
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