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January 20, 2025

April Fools' Day!

By Sand Pilarski

"Fatten your brain -- literature without the nutritive value!"

That's been the motto of the Piker Press since a group of four writers decided to make writing a weekly event back in 2002. You know how it is: you want to release that torrent of creative words that's churning around in your head, but when you look at the blank page of your word processor or notebook, you find yourself thinking What if it sounds stupid? However, with our mantra, we didn't have to worry about being Ernest Hemingway or Leo Tolstoy; all we had to do was sit down at the desk, open a Word document AND WRITE, DAMMIT, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THAT POEM DONE BY FRIDAY DEADLINE!!!

Now I am the first to admit that not all the literature you see in the Press is brain-fat. In fact, a lot of it is pretty darn good, and some of it is better than most writing done in the world. There are some stories in the archives that I think about nearly every day, because the words in them made a difference in how I look at life. I have seen turns of phrase in Press writing that made me deeply envious of the author's ability and giftedness. This ezine is blessed by the mountain of creativity it has seen.

But on April Fools' Day, let's have some butter, and bacon, and funnel-cakes, shall we? This issue re-visits some of the silliness of years past, with the hopes that your brain will gain five pounds like by looking at it.


P.S. -- our serials and regular features will return next week.

Article © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2013-04-01
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
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