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January 20, 2025

How Do Piker Press Movie Reviews Stack Up?

By Bernie Pilarski

So I wasn't at the movie theater this week. There was nothing that caught my interest enough to spend money on. But I got to thinking: I wonder how my reviews stack up against the reviews of other movie reviewers? It could be that my tastes are not popular. It certainly wouldn't be the first area of my life where I was the odd ball of the group. Hell, I don't even fit into my family. My Dad had eleven brothers and sisters, my Mom had four brothers and sisters, so that adds up to fifteen aunts/uncles and a boat load of cousins, and of course I have two brothers who have five kids and fifteen or so wives between them (don't ask), and of all those people, do you know how many I am in contact with? That's right, none. If you asked most of that group about me, they would say "Bernie who?" and the rest could probably legitimately say "Well, communication is a two-way street," and I wouldn't be able to put up much of a defense.

So I wanted to see how far out of the mainstream I was with the rest of the professional movie critics. Fortunately, Rottentomatoes.com keeps track of what the top 100 or so professional critics think of a movie and lists the result as the percentage of critics who liked it. For example, of the 152 critics listed that reviewed Will Smith's latest effort After Earth, only 17, or a mere 11% liked it. Ouch.

In 2012, Sand and I went to see 35 movies. Most of them I liked (24 out of 35). That's not surprising when you consider we are pretty fortunate as reviewers in that we only go to movies we think we might like. Obviously we take some chances, but we are not forced to go see any movie that has Will Ferrel in it, or any film made by Michael Moore.

Of the 35 movies we saw, the majority of reviewers listed on Rottentomatoes agreed with my assessment of the film 27 times out of 35. That means that 75% of the time, most reviewers agreed with me. Sometimes I just don't understand what those guys see. More recently for instance, The Great Gatsby was not well received, even though I liked it a lot, and Oz the Great and Powerful, which was favorably reviewed but I thought pretty much stunk.

What's it all mean?

Well, for starters it means those other guys are not always right. It also goes to show that if you want a movie review, you needn't go any further than the Piker Press. We will provide you with an honest, objective review that's always right most of the time.

And if you happen to run into any of my relatives, tell them Bernie says hi.

Article © Bernie Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2013-06-10
2 Reader Comments
09:25:46 PM
I came to read a movie review. Instead, I get a review of the reviewer and now, my world will never be the same. Awesome.
Lydia Manx
12:35:13 AM
I agree with most of your reviews. That said, at times I think a movie that is pretty crappy can be fun if right place and right friends. I saw Oz with my friend and we laughed ourselves silly. Wine may have been involved.
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