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July 22, 2024

That's How Much

By Pete Armetta

She walked over with my gin & tonic. She was in way too skimpy an outfit. I put five dollars on the table and looked at her with what I hoped was an appealing expression.

"You keep the change, I know you work hard. "

She put down a cocktail napkin and my drink and looked at me, trying to shield her impatience.

"Change from five dollars? How far ya think that's gonna take me?"

"Well, how much do you think you deserve?"

"I deserve the child support you're supposed to pay me so I don't have to squeeze my ass into this tight little get-up every night and hustle myself in this seedy bar, that's how much."

She snatched up the bill and turned on her heels.

Article © Pete Armetta. All rights reserved.
Published on 2014-08-25
Image(s) are public domain.
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