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July 22, 2024

Goosely Translated

By Terry Petersen

Two Canada geese
settle into an angled parking space
in a Wal-Mart lot.
They take turns
sharing shreds of bun
left in a torn red McDonald's box.
One goose eats.
The other stands watch
for danger.

A car honks,
its sound louder than any
a goose could create.
The noise interrupts their feast.
Harsh and threatening
human voices follow.
The geese flee.

From their aerial perspective
the birds agree --
Excellent volume.
Lacks style.

Article © Terry Petersen. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-04-27
Image(s) © Sand Pilarski. All rights reserved.
3 Reader Comments
Michael Rissover
03:00:17 AM
I enjoyed this immensely!
Lisa Chieco
05:18:41 AM
Terry, I so enjoyed that image. I saw this in the Florence Mall lot - and the lady geese were trying out nest spots - like in the middle of the road...etc.
08:09:06 PM
Thanks for your comments, and thanks for the pic, Sand! These geese look like they have something to say.
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