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October 21, 2024

Baby Pictures

By Bernie Pilarski

Baby pictures.

Awww, aren't they so cute?

Notice how nobody ever says, "Boy you got one ugly kid there"? That's because babies really are cute, not so much because they are pretty, but because of what they represent. Infants have their whole lives in front of them. They are nothing but potential. There in a tiny bundle may the person who changes everything -- maybe a Paul McCartney, or a new Steve Jobs, or perhaps the sweet little puddin' in the picture is the mother of the future president of the whole world. At the very least, it's somebody's new best friend, and in a world that can be very harsh, that alone is no small accomplishment. These little packets of potential are so sweet you could eat 'em.

It is the same kind of experience that can be had with an April morning stroll around our California yard. It seems like it is going to be a bountiful year for our garden. Here, in order of potential harvest, are our crops:

First up are the artichokes. We have one mature plant and one seedling, and have actually already gotten the first chokes of the year off the plant and in the pot. There will be more to come, however. I'm not a fan, but others in the family love them.

Our blueberry bush is small, but it is doing its best weigh in. We only have one bush at the moment, but there are plans to expand the blueberry acreage in the very near future.

There are little bitty lemons coming on also. They will be ready for harvest next winter, but a lemon tree is a crazy fruiter, and there are mature lemons, fair sized green lemons, mere pips of lemons, and fragrant white blossoms on the tree all at the same time.

The stone fruits will be coming on in several weeks. We have a Santa Rosa plum and Stella cherries. Admittedly, our entire crop of plums consists of two plums, but it is a brand new tree, and we hadn't thought we'd get anything this year. Two is a moral victory.

Our grapes look great. With the acquisition of raisin making capabilities, we're looking forward to an abundant harvest this fall.

A few of the tomatoes are starting to blush, and there are plenty of green ones right behind. There are Early Girls, Roma, Shady Ladies, Rutgers, Better Boy, Delicious, Super Fantastic, and Container Choice. The Delicious plant holds the world's record for largest tomato -- over seven pounds. They say that most of the tomatoes will be in the two to three pound range. Tomato sandwich anyone?

Orange trees just are not as prolific as lemons, and the little guys we have on the tree now won't be ready until Christmas or later. Any oranges at all from this tree will be an accomplishment. It has struggled in the fruiting department, but things look hopeful this year.

The pomegranate is currently still just a twinkle in eye of the pomegranate bush, but there are plenty of orange-colored blossoms on the tree, and it's been a good performer in the past. The fruit will be ready for harvest in October/November.

The plant that we are watching most avidly is the avocado tree. It is simply loaded with blossoms, and there appear to be bunches and bunches of tiny avocados in the making. This would be our first crop, although this is another of the fruits that won't be ready until Christmas, so we have a way to go. Even if we get only 25% of the fruits that appear to have set, we will be swimming in guacamole for Super Bowl.

Really, aren't they all just cuter than all get out? So it looks like a good year for jellies, raisins, salsas, and guacamoles.

And BTW, we are being water-wise, and using water-saving drip irrigation, and buckets in the showers and sink to catch the water that runs while we wait for it to get hot.

Article © Bernie Pilarski. All rights reserved.
Published on 2015-04-27
Image(s) © Bernie Pilarski. All rights reserved.
3 Reader Comments
11:35:30 AM
incredible photos, how do you care for all these babies?
05:18:58 PM
Those are terrific photos! Can't beat our NH blueberries but would love to be able to grow some of the other.
03:18:53 PM
How's the progress on the Santa Rosa plum? I just planted my first one today.
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